Being completely shocked about future images that are fed to our children and youngsters through the educational system (which we discovered in their books), we opened up a discussion in our gatherings with the adolescents. How do you feel about these things? How do you see the future? What would you change if you could?
Although it is still very difficult for them to have a discussion in English, we heard many beautiful things.
A future without war, a future without telephones where children play on the streets again, a future without hunger, a future with technology which is serving humanity and not controlling them, a future where there is no harm done to nature, a future with music and arts, a future without racism or discrimination of sexual orientation. One of them expressed the fear that the little town they are living in might not exist in the future any more, so our next gathering will exactly be about that. What our your gifts and what would you invent, or how would you contribute to make sure this village can thrive again? Let's encourage our youngsters to be brave, to be creative and to express the change they want to see and most of all to make this possible. #supportingyoungpeople #thenextgeneration #thefutureisours #inlinewithnature #encouragingyoungsters