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A miracle story

Evi Maes

Do you remember? 

Two years ago, we made a video to protect the valley where we have our main vegetable garden, as it was about to be sold to hunters who wanted to do commercial agriculture, which would be a disaster for the people, nature and the streams that flow through the landscape. We helped the neighbors set up a crowdfunding and an association. We received an email from a woman, who wanted to support us. We replied to the email but never received any answer. Shortly after this, the neighbors were told that the sellers already had accepted a legally binding down payment and there was no going back, so our neighbors refunded all the donations. They thought there was nothing more they could do.

But nature decided differently...

After all this time, it turned out that before being able to finalize the sale, the owners had to arrange legal documents, which took them about two years thanks to the Spanish bureaucratic system. This gave them precious time to think.


Beginning of June 2024, the family came to speak with us personally and we had a beautiful, open conversation. They said they had changed their minds about selling to the company. They told us how they had always had good connections with the neighbors and wanted to keep these bonds of affection. They decided to follow their hearts and were even willing to lose the 20.000 euros fine which they would have to pay to the buyers, if they canceled the sale. They asked us if we could buy it with our association. We said we would try, without knowing if it would be possible to find the funds, only following a deep resonance in our bodies and being honest about that we didn't know if we would succeed.


At first we thought about setting up another crowdfunding, but there was no complete yes in our body, so we never published it. Our minds came up with many different ideas, but when we spent time in silence, we felt we wanted to go to London to see what would happen. 

When we visited a big event in London, beginning of November, suddenly someone came up to us. She presented herself as the woman who wanted to support us two years ago. She had no idea we would be there, and we never expected to see her either. She told us that two years ago, her email response had been sent but it had been returned, and she had no idea how else to contact us. We told her about the recent happenings around the land and shared a precious moment beyond words, our hearts deeply touched.

The following week she decided to gift us all funds to buy the land and the necessary extra expenses for the notary and taxes. She had been waiting for an opportunity to ‘invest’ into something for the next generation and nature. She also decided to give it freely, without any strings attached. 

We experienced how without any manipulation, and an openness to stay true to our natural impulses, all pieces beautifully came together in this magical moment, where nature decides the right timing. The outcome is beyond our imagination, and serves al parties involved, in the most positive way.


Remembering Columbus, coming from Spain, conquering the US and killing many indigenous tribes. And now, someone from the US is overwriting what has happened by providing the resources for an endangered piece of land with a very strong indigenous energy in Spain (that very country which took exactly that away). So powerful. So much compassion. A true act of love.


These days, this valley is on the verge of desertification because of agricultural misunderstandings and malpractices. However, the valley has a rich history which can be seen in the very old paintings that are found high up in the rocks. In ancient times, people did already come to this valley. The question remains whether they lived here, or only came for a while to strengthen, do their rituals and take in the purity of the small rivers that run through it. We feel we need to do what we can to safeguard the purity of this valley and restore its natural habitat, so that people can come again to strengthen, refresh and gain perspective for their own areas.


Our first step now, is to protect the valley, which will be realized by buying it. We are already in this proces. The second step is to change this hunting area into a protected area. We will plant many trees, bushes and create water bodies for natural water retention. This will increase biodiversity. Through natural farming we will increase soil life and transform this large area into a landscape where nature and people can be together peacefully and many young people can come to learn about natural farming. A deep wish becoming reality: creating a Natural Farming Exploration Hub in Spain. A place where young people can reconnect with their own nature and follow their natural impulses to make their dreams come true and shape a different future.

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