After very physical days, we spend most of our evenings doing other things to support what is needed.
⁃ We just added 85 seed libraries in The Netherlands
⁃ We are adding all healthy farms and initiatives we know about. Thank you @Linda for the links
⁃ We are adding all the natural farms we know about as well.
If you have lists of more initiatives in different countries, please let us know, so we can add them too.
We are here to support everyone in ensuring their food security for the future.
Download Food Wallet, to find initiatives where you can buy or share healthy, local, biodiverse food, which is supporting the earth instead of damaging it. CSA farms, ‘Self-pick’ gardens, Local shops, Natural Farms, Home garden(er)s… (Most initiatives are currently in Belgium and The Netherlands, but we hope to grow.)
Slowly we will start to promote the app a bit more as well.
You find the app here: